Bhutan - More pictures from 10/11/07

Sunrise from our Campsite

View from our Campsite

Prayer Flags in the Mist

Offerings at the Altar

Angel Dance

Monks Surround the Lama


Lama Taking Breakfast

Young Spectators

Atsara with Wooden Phallus/Drum



Traditional Bhutanese Dancers

Traditional Bhutanese Dancers

Masked Dance

Traditional Bhutanese Dancers

Young Dancers Perform the Modern Music

Young Dancers Perform to Modern Music

Traditional Bhutanese Dancer

Traditional Bhutanese Dancers

Black Hat Dance

Black Hat Dance

Children Run from the Atsaras

Young Friends

Young Boy in his Gho

Steph Washes Laundry in Prayer-wheel Runoff

Visitors to our Campsite

Masked Dance

Masked Dance


Little Friends


Young Friends

Old Woman's Dance

Masked Dance

Masked Dance

Deputy Governor Watches the Festivities with Dasho Karma Dorjee

Distributing the Food Offerings

Children Display their Loot

The Millionaire


Two Young Dancers

We Join the Dancing

Villagers Eating Dinner

Villagers Eating Dinner

Villagers Eating Dinner

Choden and her son "Michael Jackson"

Kids Around the Campfire

Kids Around the Campfire

Kids Around the Campfire

Steph Teaching the Electric Slide

Craig and Steph Demonstrating the Electric Slide

Steph Talking to Tenzing

Phuntshoeling and Dorji

Sonam Tshering

Dad and Daughter