China - More pictures from 5/4/15

A water buffalo is led up the hill to the bullfights

Flying Tiger P-40 on the roadside in Taijiang

Approaching the bullfight arena

Ready for our 15 minutes of fame on the CCTV-7 News

Two male water buffalo square off

Bullfight spectator smoking his pipe

The arena is packed with people to watch the water buffalo fights

Our food being prepared at the Happy Staying restaurant

Walking through Shidong Village to the festival grounds

Festival grounds, Shidong

Elaborately embroidered Miao baby carriers

Toddler dressed up for the festival

The young women dance in a large group to impress the boys

Traditional meets modern as festival-goers share pictures in real time using We Chat

Traditional meets modern as festival-goers share pictures in real time using We Chat

Young girl dressed in Miao finery

Mom and baby

One of the young women poses with Craig

Exiting Shidong Village

Exiting Shidong Village

Mr. Zhou

Pouring the last of the beer for Wang Jun before he can force it on Craig