Ecuador - More pictures from 8/6/10

Church in Guápulo

Church in Guápulo



Hummingbirds of Guango Lodge

Hummingbirds of Guango Lodge

Arturo the Hummingbird Whisperer

Arturo the Hummingbird Whisperer

Hummingbird at Guango Lodge

Hummingbird at Guango Lodge

Craig, Arturo, and Felipe at the Restaurant Bar Gina in Baeza

Craig, Arturo, and Felipe at the Restaurant Bar Gina in Baeza

Bridge, Archidona

Bridge, Archidona

Boy jumping off the bridge in Archidona

Boy jumping off the bridge in Archidona

Goodbye Arturo

Goodbye Arturo

Our bunkhouse

Our bunkhouse

Carlos harvests a palm tree

Carlos harvests a palm tree

Carlos with a stone from the waterfall

Carlos with a stone from the waterfall



Felipe shows the caterpillar to Tamia

Felipe shows the caterpillar to Tamia

Kitchen / Dining Hut

Kitchen / Dining Hut

Cell phone tree

Cell phone tree

Tamia takes Tony the puppy for an unconventional walk

Tamia takes Tony the puppy for an unconventional walk



Michael holds a cat

Michael holds a cat

Playing marbles

Playing marbles

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