Thursday 1/19/17 - Working Remotely

Today was a pretty low-key day. It's been cold all day, but at least the sun was out until mid-afternoon.

For breakfast, we had fried eggs, bread, French fries, cheese, coffee, and juice.

Shina Tayanta didn't have school today, so she was around the house all day. The Flintstones are big down here (they have always been close to my heart, and I remember as a little kid I used to insist that everyone call me Betty). The kids watch it often, and yesterday when we were at the neighborhood store, kids there were watching it as well. It is dubbed into Spanish, but for some reason they removed all of the vocals from the theme song. While I was working in my office, I could hear Shina Tayanta outside, playing with Cachupin the dog, saying "YABBA DABBA DOO!" over and over again.

Shina's teacher stopped by the house, bringing a bag of cookies and candy.

Antonio worked on finishing up Abuelita's outdoor kitchen expansion. It almost doubles the interior space. There is now a nice area for stacking firewood.

I had a meeting at lunchtime, so ate lunch in my office: soup, fried rice, and juice. When I finally got to take a lunch break, I was on pig guard duty; making sure that the interloping piglet from next door didn't eat all of our piglets' food.

It started to pour mid-afternoon, and is now quite damp and cold. We always wear layers here. Craig rested for most of the afternoon, as he is fighting a little headcold, and wants to be healthy by the baptism on Saturday.

It's hard to believe that the ceremony/party are only two days away. Tomorrow Rosa must get the new pig, and she and Antonio will go into town to buy massive quantities of potatoes, onions, tomatoes, and other food items, as well as other party supplies.

Craig was feeling better by dinner time. He played with the kids, and we ate soup, quiche, lentils, cabbage, and rice.

A young man stopped by, needing help with his English homework. I looked over his work and helped to correct it. The teacher in me enjoyed helping.
Shina Tayanta

Shina Tayanta

Achi Taita and the kids

Achi Taita and the kids

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