Tuesday 1/24/17 - Working Remotely

Craig was still not feeling well this morning, but he was well enough to venture out of the casita. We ate breakfast with Molly and Dawn (the biologists from Iowa), and their guide Daniel and driver Leo. We had juice, coffee, bread, fried eggs, and French fries.

Antonio was able to fix the internet. It was apparently a connection issue with the antenna. I had tried to check all the modem connections, but hadn't known to check the antenna itself. So I was back in business in time for my morning meetings. Thank you, Antonio!

The guests left before lunch, which I ate in my office during a meeting. It consisted of soup, greens, melloco, rice, and Coca Cola.

When the kids came home from school, Sisa used one of the gifts from Molly and Dawn (white chalk) to make a hopscotch (the kids' recent obsession). What a perfect gift! She also drew a house on the patio in chalk, and outlined her baby dolls. I think it was supposed to be their beds, but it looked more like a homicide chalk outline. LOL! She also drew appliances and other furniture.

A volcano around 40 miles from here (Reventador) has apparently been smoking today, but no sign of it from here. Craig is doing better overall, but has severe stomach cramps. Yupanqui and Shina do as well, which lends creedence to the virus theory. Hopefully everyone is back to healthy soon!

I visited the piglets, who were tied up to wean them. Cachupin decided to play with them, and took their ropes in his jaws and pulled.

The kids drew tattoos on my arms with markers. For dinner we had soup, pasta with veggies, and juice made from guayaba, cinnamon, and honey. They made a special tea for Craig's stomach problems.
Breakfast with Molly, Dawn, and Daniel

Breakfast with Molly, Dawn, and Daniel



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