Ecuador 7/21/2023 |
Friday, July 21, 2023 - Clothes shopping in OtavaloWe woke up at 8:15 a.m. Breakfast was potato pancakes, cheese, yogurt, coffee, and bread. After breakfast, Sisa got a bench for Nena to stand on, and the two of them did the dishes together.At around 11:30, I went with Aida, Sisa, and Yupanki to Otavalo. We took a camioneta. We first went to find a blouse for me. The family had made me some beautiful hand-embroidered blouses in years past, but I wasn't around for measurements when they made them, and they barely fit at the time. Now, years later, they are too small. I have one blouse that fits, but it dates back to Sisa's baptism over twelve years ago. So it was time to buy something new. Of course, I was a bit nervous. Most Otavaleñas are significantly smaller than I am, and trying to find something in my size was bound to be challenging. Aida took us to a shop and explained what we needed. The shopkeeper showed us the largest blouse that he had in stock. Not big enough. In the next two shops, the proprietors took one look at me and shook their heads no. But they directed us to a third shop behind the church which should have larger sizes. We crossed the square to go to this shop, and I tried on the largest blouse that they had. Amazingly, it fit! They then brought out two other designs in the same size, and I chose the one I liked the best. I also picked out a woven belt ("wawa chumbi") and hair tie ("cinta") to match. Altogether, it cost $39. I felt quite relieved to have been able to find something appropriate! The largest blouse in Otavalo Next, we went to find Sisa's quinceañera dress. She tried on a light pink dress which required a very full petticoat. Then she tried on two more, which were more of a fuchsia color. After some deliberation, she decided that she liked the first dress the best. Aida talked to the seamstress, and gave a deposit for the alterations. It wouldn't be ready for at least 90 minutes. Sisa trying on dresses (this is not the one she picked) Yupanki bought a fried egg, fries, and a hot dog, and the three of them split it. I wasn't hungry for lunch. Next we went to buy some clothes for the kids. We bought a sweater and blouse for Sisa, a blouse for Shina, and a sweatshirt and jeans for Yupanki. Yupanki also bought himself a pair of skeleton gloves which would be helpful for marching band when it is cold outside. Aida had to get home to feed Kuri, so she would need to return later to pick up the dress. We had to run to make the bus back to Quiroga, and from there we took a camioneta the rest of the way home. The road was very dusty on the ride home, and the driver had to shut the windows. Sisa was humming "Dust in the Wind," and it occurred to me that she might not understand the English title. I explained that "dust in the wind" translates to "polvo en el viento" and suddenly a lightbulb went off for Sisa. We got home around 3:15 p.m. We gave everyone their clothes, including a dress for Nena and a shirt and pants for Kuri that we brought from home. Since Shina hadn't been with us, we had only found one item of clothing for her, whereas Sisa and Yupanki had gotten two each. We promised her that we would buy her something else, or give her money to buy something herself. Craig and I came into the casita and I did some job hunting online. I applied for one job. Then we went outside and eventually into the kitchen to have a cup of coffee. Antonio had a Runa Tupari tourism meeting in the guest house. We played with the kids. Nena is so cute singing "Baby Shark," although the song burrows itself into your brain. Kuri was super cuddly, wearing furry Tasmanian devil pajamas. He is so well-behaved and even-tempered, and doesn't mind being left alone with Craig and me. Dinner was broccoli soup with cheese, chicken, peas, tomato and onion salad, plantain, llapingacho, and rice. While noone was looking, Kuri was eating the Lao Gan Ma spicy chili crisp in Aida's soup. When we all noticed, we were concerned, but he was absolutely loving it. He dipped his chicken in it, ate it, and then went back for more. Maybe Aida was eating it when she was pregnant with him! We finished dinner at around 10:10 and then came to the casita. |
Yupanki, Sisa, and Aida in Otavalo Shina and Nena with the mama kitty Kuri Yupanki modeling his new gloves See all photos from July 21 |
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