We woke up at 6 am and took showers. We were up so early that even Yoselin wasn't awake! Humberto and Paulina were the only other ones up. This was our first day not being joined by Yoselin in our bed, so we decided to join her in hers. Yoselin, Yasmin, and Vanesa were in a single twin bed, and I climbed in with them. They were sound asleep. I woke Yoselin up and she was immediately cuddly. It was obvious she wasn't as upset and had come to terms with the fact that we were leaving, but that we would be back. We tried to rouse Yasmin and Vanesa, beeping Yasmin's nose 7 times in a row, but neither even budged. Craig and I traded places, and then we were called for breakfast.
Paulina had made pancakes and Humberto had gotten juice from her father. Paola woke up next and joined us at the table, followed by Yasmin and then Aracely. Paulina put the angel necklace we had given Aracely around her neck. We played some more paper games and took some photos. There was no way we could wake Vanesa up (sleeping in a twin bed with two younger sisters trains you to sleep through anything, I guess), so we gave her a kiss as she continued to sleep. Our shuttle arrived at 8 and we needed to pass the mountain before 9 o'clock to avoid a 2 hour construction delay. It was hard to say goodbye to everyone, but we took comfort in the fact that we would be back in July.
We hopped into the van and were off. We picked up a Japanese woman at a hostel. She had been here for 2 years and was very nice. The driver had his wife and son along. We guessed that they were from San Antonio Polopo by the wife's hair wrap, and we were correct.
I fished through my purse to try to find a sticker to give the boy, but I had given them all to the girls. I peeled one off of my notebook (which the girls had stuck there) to give to him. There were gorgeous views of the lake and volcanoes, and he stopped so that we could get a photo. The sun was shining on the clouds and it looked heavenly.
When we got to Guatemala City there were lots of Christmas decorations. I finally got a photo of the McDonald's shaped like a Happy Meal box. We arrived at the airport before 11:00. We were the only ones in the check-in line. We paid the $6 airport tax at the bank, went through security, and then sat in the food court. We had cheeseburgers, Cheetos and M&M's and then went to gate 13. It was Guatemala American Airlines Customer Appreciation Day and we were given free sandwiches (ham and cheese with lettuce and mayo), cookies, bottled water and coffee. We drank the waters, but many other people saved them to drink on the plane. Of course, even though American had given us the water at the gate, it apparently wasn't TSA-sanctioned as they confiscated them as people boarded. I don't know how many bottles of perfectly good water were thrown out. Such a wasteful system!
We boarded around 2 o'clock, and were handed Customer Appreciation Day pens. The plane took off at 3:00. Craig had Cranapple and I had apple juice. The flight was non-eventful, and we landed in Miami on time. We went through customs, and then had a huge line for security. Our flight was slightly delayed, and we got some Chinese food that turned out to not be very good. My cell phone wasn't working and we were both in bad moods. Why did it always seem like nothing ever goes smoothly in Miami?? We finally got to board the plane and after a long day, landed in Boston at around 1 in the morning.

Aracely wakes up

Lago Atitlan

Happy Meal McDonald's