Guatemala - More pictures from 7/7/12

Eddy checks out Harry Potter at the AMA library

View from AMA rooftop

David, Humberto, and Abuela

Lago Atitlan

Craig at Lago Atitlan

Lago Atitlan

Steph on the lancha

Paola on the lancha

Yoselin, Vanesa, and Paola on the lancha

Victor, Neli, and Andrik welcome us to Villas B'alam Ya

Abuela, Prisceda, Blanca, and David

Neli, Paola, Vanesa, and Craig

View from Villa B'alam Ya

Neli shows off the downstairs bedroom in Villa B'alam Ya

Patio Villa B'alam Ya

Upstairs bedroom Villa B'alam Ya

Living room Villa B'alam Ya

View from Casa Jade bedroom

Casa Jade bedroom

Rosa in the Casa Jade kitchen

Kids playing on the dock

Eddy lounges in a kayak

Going for a swim in Lake Atitlan

Paola carries Eddy back to the villa

Rosa and Paulina cook in the Villa B'alam Ya kitchen

Prisceda, Blanca, and Victor at the grill


Vanesa and Neli

Prisceda enjoys a nap

Thunbergia Mysorensis, also known as clock vine flowers

Pablo and Aracely on the lancha back to Pana

Lake Atitlan from Pana

Eddy and Craig

Josue, Yasmin, and Neli


Aracely and the penguin popper

Craig and Aracely


Ricassoli Pizza Steakhouse, Pana

Vanesa, Craig, Steph, Yasmin, Yoselin, Aracely, Paulina, and Eddy

Humberto puts ketchup on the sicilian seafood pizza