Guatemala - More pictures from 7/7/13

Yasmin, Vanesa, Yoselin, Eddy, Aracely, and Paola

Neli, Craig, Aracely, and Yasmin

Lake Atitlan

Lancha captain and Vanesa



Neli and Yasmin

Our swimming spot at Cerro de Oro


Yasmin and Yoselin

Abandoned house foundation

Volcano and pink flowers

Kids in the abandoned house

Craig hikes through farmland at Cerro de Oro

Craig hikes through farmland at Cerro de Oro

Freshwater swamps at Cerro de Oro

Yasmin, Eddy, and Aracely at the freshwater swamps at Cerro de Oro

Aracely, Yoselin, Neli, and Eddy at the playground

San Francisco Church, Cerro de Oro

Eddy, Aracely, Neli, Yoselin, Yasmin, Paola, Vanesa, Paulina, and Humberto

San Francisco Church, Cerro de Oro

Eddy, Yoselin, and Craig enjoy frozen chocobananas

Walking to the dock

Lilies on the lake

Craig on the lancha

Eddy, Aracely, and Neli

Steph and Craig lift Aracely


Steph, Rocio, and Craig

Rocio models her new blouse

Isabela's restaurant

Isabela takes our order

Paola serves some tacos

Yoselin falls asleep at the table