Guatemala 6/29/2019 - 7/13/2019


Before we left for our annual trip to visit our compadres in Guatemala, my Dad asked if the visit coincided with any special occasion. He is used to us going there to celebrate quinceañeras and baptisms, or to bring our friends with us and show them the sights. I responded that no, no special occasion this time; we would just be taking advantage of the time I get off from work at the 4th of July to make the most of a visit. Unbeknownst to us, Humberto and Paulina had other plans which included a surprise baptism for their youngest child Ian Ivan - with us as the godparents! What a surprise and honor!

Saturday, 6/29/2019 - Arrival in Panajachel

Our flight was very early, and we didn't want to have to ask anyone to drive us to the Logan Express bus at that hour. So we booked a Logan Way car to the airport.

Even this early in the morning, the heat and humidity were extremely oppressive. We were sweating as we gathered last minute items together.

The Logan Way driver arrived at 4:45 for our 5 a.m. pickup. It was a comfortable car with very effective air conditioning, and we zoned out on the ride. It was our first time using this particular service, and it worked out perfectly.

Once at the airport, we checked in without issue, and went to our gate. Our 7:35 a.m. flight to Houston was delayed due to uncharacteristic early morning thunderstorms. We only had a 90 minute connection, so we were a bit afraid of missing it because of the delay. It would be tight.

We boarded the plane and were happy to have an empty seat between us. It was a comfortable and non-eventful flight. When we landed in Houston, the crew asked if passengers could let those with tight connection disembark first, which, surprisingly, they did. We only had half an hour before our next flight, and we had to change terminals. We had ordered a wheelchair for Craig, but here there was a golf cart, and they had to wait for all of the disabled passengers to disembark before they could go. When they saw how tight our connection was, they told me I could push Craig in a wheelchair.

Somehow I always end up sweaty and gross running through airports, and this time was no exception. I drove Craig's chair like a maniac, and got to the gate at 11:30 for our 11:58 flight, only to find out that it had been delayed by 15 minutes. I caught my breath as we waited to board.

United upgraded us from the back of the plane to the first row in coach, which was Economy Plus. It was very nice of them. We were seated next to an 81-year-old Guatemalan woman named Berta Luz who was returning from visiting her son in the USA. We spoke to her in Spanish, and when she told me she is unable to read or write, I filled out her customs arrival form for her. She was so happy and hugged me and wished us God's blessings. I was happy to be able to help.

Despite the delays, we arrived in Guatemala City on time. We breezed through immigration, baggage pickup, and customs, and emerged into the airport to find Paulina, Humberto, Vanesa, Aracely, Eddy, Ian, Paola, and Cristian waiting for us. Ian just celebrated his 4th birthday (proudly holding up 4 fingers when I asked how old he is) and he is much more talkative than he was last year. Aracely has really grown taller in the past year. She will turn 14 this summer; such a lovely young lady. Eddy has grown quite a bit, with his physique appropriate for the boxing lessons that he is taking. Paola had just finished her nursing practicum today, so they had picked her up in Antigua on the way to the airport.

We got into the van and left the airport at around 2:30 p.m. Humberto drove us back to the house in Panajachel. The traffic getting out of the city was crazy (this is a long weekend in Guatemala, so many people were on the road). We stopped along the way to get gas and buy snacks.

Ian Ivan asked if we have cats (I think he recalled seeing the photos online). I said that we have two cats. He asked where they were. I said at home. He asked why we didn't bring them with us. For simplicity's sake, I said that we couldn't take them on the plane. He responded that we didn't need to fly; we could drive instead. So cute! He had to make due with photos of the cats on my phone.

We arrived home shortly before 7 p.m., and got to see Yasmin and Yoselin. They set us up in the front room on the left on the ground floor, our first time there. This had previously been Yoselin and Yasmin's room. The room next door to us was still occupied by Vanesa and Paola. Across the hall from them (in "Mukul/Tyson's room") are Yoselin and Yasmin, and next to them, in our original room, are Aracely and Eddy. Aracely and Eddy's old room in the main house is now a play room for Ian Ivan.

Every time we visit, there have been new upgrades and improvements to the property. The patio now has red fabric below the translucent roofing to keep the heat down when the sun is shining. The roofs of the 2nd floor and roof deck have also been upgraded. Now that many of the kids are grown, the whole family doesn't fit at a single table, especially with guests. So the patio has become an extension of the dining room.

We sat at the outdoor table to enjoy delicious spinach soup and nice fresh bread slices. The outdoor temperature, though a bit cool to them, was refreshing to us, after the heat and humidity we had been experiencing at home.

It was so nice to be back here with our compadres. We enjoyed chatting and catching up with them on what had transpired since our last visit. They asked how our friend Tyson was, and wished that he had joined us again on this visit. We assured them that, although he was unable to visit this year, he hopes to return in the future.

This was our 18th trip to Guatemala. We had met Humberto in 2004, when he and Paulina had four daughters. We met Paulina and the girls (whose number had increased to five) in 2007. Since then they have welcomed two boys as well, and we have become close with their extended family on both sides. These days we visit anually, and it is amazing how much all of the kids have grown!

We went to bed at around 9:30 p.m. after a long day of travel.

Panajachel, Guatemala
On the flight to Houston

On the flight to Houston

Chicken bus

Chicken bus

Ian Ivan and Paulina

Ian Ivan and Paulina

Aracely, Eddy, Craig, and Humberto

Aracely, Eddy, Craig, and Humberto

Ian Ivan in his toy box

Ian Ivan in his toy box

Pay no attention to the baby (doll) laying on the grill

Pay no attention to the baby (doll) laying on the grill

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