India - More pictures from 2/20/16

Women washing in the Nila River

Mukul presented me with jasmine for my hair at breakfast

Elephant on the road

Elephant on the road


Tree at Vazhani Dam

Vazhani Dam

Sadanandan and Mukul at Vazhani Dam

Malabar squirrel at Vazhani Dam

Fresh coconut water

Grandfather shapes the bottoms of the pots at Cheruthuruthy Potter's Village

Young boy watches while his mother applies ochre to pottery, Cheruthuruthy Potter's Village

Kiln, Cheruthuruthy Potter's Village

Young boy prepares firewood, Cheruthuruthy Potter's Village

Bodhi tree, Cheruthuruthy Potter's Village

Namboothiri's Vegetarian Hotel

Lunch with Sadanandan at Namboothiri's Vegetarian Hotel

River Retreat

Brahmin heritage house

Interior courtyard, Brahmin heritage house

Oasis behind Brahmin heritage house

Walking to Periayanampetta Pooram

Buffalo effigies at Periayanampetta Pooram

Buffalo effigies at Periayanampetta Pooram

Buffalo effigies at Periayanampetta Pooram

Side view of a buffalo effigy at Periayanampetta Pooram

Craig accepts an invitation to sit at the front of a community's buffalo effigy

New friends

New friends

Devotional statues for sale

Walking back from the festival


Elephant procession

More new friends

Friendly people walking to the festival

Procession: Dancers dressed as Hanuman and the Kathakali demon

Periayanampetta Pooram in the next morning's Hindu Times