More Photos from 11/5/2016
Toni and Patrick st breakfast
A young nun smiles at us as we drive by
Laykyun Setkyar
Maha Bodhi Tataung, 1000 Bodhi trees, 1000 Buddhas forest
Frosting-like decorations on Thanboddhay Pagoda
Every surface in Thanboddhay Pagoda is lined with tiny white Buddhas
Thanboddhay Pagoda
Thanboddhay Pagoda
Every surface in Thanboddhay Pagoda is lined with tiny white Buddhas
Every surface in Thanboddhay Pagoda is lined with tiny white Buddhas
Every surface in Thanboddhay Pagoda is lined with tiny white Buddhas
Owl and Buddhas, Thanboddhay Pagoda
Tiny Buddhas, Thanboddhay Pagoda
Thanboddhay Pagoda
Thanboddhay Pagoda
Grounded boat, Monywa
Walking to our boat in Monywa
Grounded boat converted into a house, Monywa
Cha Kwa (cheers), Al
Cabin #104, R/V Zawgyi Pandaw
Lounge and dining area, R/V Zawgyi Pandaw
Loading a motorbike onto a small boat
Boats, Monywa (notice the owls high-fiving one another)
Kids playing on a barge
Dinner in the library