More Photos from 11/12/2016

Raft transporting bamboo

Riverboats and equipment in Homalin

River taxi

Local vendors greet our boat


Local boys greet our boat

Shopkeepers from whom I bought an embroidered longyi

Daughter of shopkeeper from whom I bought an embroidered longyi

Boston representing in Homalin!



Bookshop, Homalin

Clocks are even set to 10:10 in rural Myanmar

Our little friend who later came into the temple with us

Temple, Homalin

Temple, Homalin

Family invites us into their home and serves us Shark energy drinks

Home where we were invited inside

National League for Democracy, Homalin

Giving thanks at the Buddhist temple

Statues and bell inside the Buddhist temple





Girls at a cell phone shop

Young lady with albinism

Little girl with Aung San Suu Kyi shirt

Mom and baby

Little girl from our family hops on a purple motor scooter

Back to the boat for lunch

Crew member helps Craig back to the boat on uneven footing

Boats, Homalin

Our captain as we disembark from RV Zawgi Pandaw

Airport sign discouraging gossip

Craig getting some air at the Homalin airport

Homalin airport control tower (complete with bees nest)

Leaving the airport after our flight was canceled

Moon over the river

Reconfigured cabin #104