We woke up in the morning and Jan had just come back from the grocery store. Joe made us delicious omelettes and we had a nice breakfast together. We said our goodbyes to Gary, Vicki, Joe, and Jan at 9:45 am and headed to Akron. When we got back into the car we were immediately assaulted by its awful cigarette odor. We cracked the windows and listened to some more Tom Waits cd's, still high on adrenaline from last night's performance. We felt very grateful that we had been able to go to a weekend show. We would have gone to more if we had had any more vacation time! As it was, next weekend we would be in Guatemala visiting Humberto and Paulina and the girls over 4th of July. We called our friend Tom from the car and raved about the show and told him hat he was in for a treat when Waits hit Florida in several days' time.
When we arrived at the airport in Akron, we returned the smelly car (good riddance!) and checked in for our flight.
We sat at a bar near our gate and Craig had a Great Lakes Moondog Ale (ESB) and an Edmund Fitzgerald Porter. Our flight was delayed thanks to thunderstorms up and down the east coast. We got some Arby's sandwiches and curly fries for lunch, and decided that Arby's is NOT real roast beef. Now we understand why the northeast is renowned for roast beef sandwiches. We just kind of take them for granted, but now, tasting this, we longed for Bill and Bob's, Kelly's, or any of the myriad of roast beef shops near our home. We eventually got to board our flight and had a non-eventful flight back to Boston.

Joe and Jan

Joe and Jan's House