Russia: More photos from 3/10/2017

Bolshoi Theatre

Craig and Olga in front of the Royal Box

Bolshoi Theatre

Carved and gilded fir panels adorning the balconies of the Bolshoi Theatre

Romanov Box, Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

Craig, Olga, and Yelena at a box in the Bolshoi Theatre

White foyer, Bolshoi Theatre

Grand Imperial Foyer, Bolshoi Theatre

Grand Imperial Foyer, Bolshoi Theatre

Poster for Bolshoi Ballet's Nutcracker

Bolshoi Ballet costumes

Bolshoi Ballet Swan Lake costumes

Staircase which will accommodate even the widest dress, Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi rehearsal building

Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi New Stage (right)

Driving past the Kremlin

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Craig enjoys tea and a pie for lunch

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Kropotinskaya Metro Station

Park Kultury Metro Station (Sokolnicheskaya Line)

Park Kultury Metro Station(Koltsevaya Line)

Park Kultury Metro Station(Koltsevaya Line)

Kievskaya Metro Station

Pulling out of Kievskaya Metro Station

Kievskaya Metro Station

Novoslobodskaya Metro Station

Beloruskaya Metro Station

Beloruskaya Metro Station

Three of the ceiling mosaics at Mayakovskaya Metro Station: Sputnik, a zeppelin moored at Red Square, and a ski jumper

Lenin Statue, Ploshchad Revolyutsii Metro Station

Rubbing the dog's snout for luck, Ploshchad Revolyutsii Metro Station

Ploshchad Revolyutsii Metro ticket office

Church of the Epiphany

GUM shopping arcade

Lobnoye Mesto in the foreground of St. Basil's Cathedral

Chapel of St. Basil the Blessed, St. Basil's Cathedral

Main iconostasis, Central Chapel of the Intercession, St. Basil's Cathedral

Ceiling murals, St. Basil's Cathedral

View of Red Square from St. Basil's Cathedral

Iconostasis, St. Basil's Cathedral

Iconostasis, St. Basil's Cathedral

Moscow State University

Tretyakov Gallery

The Unequal Marriage by V.V. Pukirev

Nikita Pustovyat: Dispute About Faith by V.G. Perov

The Rooks Have Come by A.K. Savrasov

Sledging on the Neva by A.P. Bogolubov

Baptism of Rus by V.M. Vasnetsov

Demon (seated) by M.A. Vrubel

Demetrius of Salonica - 12th century mosaic

A Girl with Peaches by V.A Serov

McDonald's in Moscow