More Photos from 11/9/2016

Rush hour in Kalewa: a water taxi and small boats selling breakfast to passengers

Rush hour in Kalewa: a water taxi and small boats selling breakfast to passengers

Pagoda where Buddhist chanting was occurring

Pagoda where Buddhist chanting was occurring

Morning rush hour on the local water taxi

Morning rush hour on the local water taxi

Craig with our Captain

Craig with our Captain

Girls who welcomed us to Kalewa

Girls who welcomed us to Kalewa

Young lady takes a selfie with Craig

Young lady takes a selfie with Craig

Dad and baby

Dad and baby, Kalewa

Colonial building, Kalewa

Colonial building, Kalewa

Procession collecting donations for the elderly

Procession collecting donations for the elderly

Little girl waves from a motorbike

Little girl waves from a motorbike

Dads and their kids

Dads and their kids

My new friend who liked my longyi

My new friend who liked my longyi

Ladies and kids waiting for a ride

Ladies and kids waiting for a ride

Young woman slicing areca nuts for betelnut preparation

Young woman slicing areca nuts for betelnut preparation

India Myanmar Friendship Road

India Myanmar Friendship Road

Ice cream seller

Ice cream seller

Women catching a ride

Women catching a ride

The bustling main street of Kalewa

The bustling main street of Kalewa

Crew members buy a sledge hammer head at the hardware store

Crew members buy a sledge hammer head at the hardware store

Woman sews a longyi

Woman sews a longyi

Mom and kids

Mom and kids

Flower seller the market, Kalewa

Flower seller the market, Kalewa

Shy little girl

Shy little girl

Mom and baby at the market

Mom and baby at the market

Chilies for sale at the market (yum!)

Chilies for sale at the market (yum!)

Chai Walla and Craig at the chai shop

Chai Walla and Craig at the chai shop, Kalewa

Villagers, Kalewa

Villagers, Kalewa

Toni models her new hat

Toni models her new hat

Woman sweeping the steps

Woman sweeping the steps



Mom and baby

Mom and baby

Sandro Win explains the Buddha protection poster in the ship's library

Sandro explains the Buddha protection poster in the ship's library

Fixing the boat

Fixing the boat

Fixing the boat

Fixing the boat

Pagoda where people were chanting

Pagoda where people were chanting

Bridge construction

Bridge construction

Little girl, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Little girl, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Mom and son, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Mom and son, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Primary school children, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Primary school children, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Little girl, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Little girl, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Craig and the teacher, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Craig and the teacher, Sa Pa Kyi Village

House, Sa Pa Kyi Village

House, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Baby watches us from his balcony, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Baby watches us from his balcony, Sa Pa Kyi Village

Young lady harvesting manioc



Man shows us his fish trap

Man shows us his fish trap

Manioc farmer

Manioc farmer

Sa Pa Kyi Village

Sa Pa Kyi Village

Sa Pa Kyi Villagers

Sa Pa Kyi Villagers

Coal on the riverbed, Sa Pa Kyi

Coal on the riverbed, Sa Pa Kyi

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