Ecuador 4/23/2016 - 5/15/2016

Friday, 5/6/2016 - Working Remotely

Shina Tayanta is feeling better today; she was awake when I went over to the main house to work. However, she almost fell asleep during breakfast while drinking colada. We had green plantain hash, coffee, juice, and bread with marmalade.

We talked to Rosa and Antonio. Apparently Aida wants to move to Chile with her boyfriend, and wanted to bring the kids with her. Antonio and Rosa felt very strongly that the kids need to stay here within their own community. This could explain some of the tension that we have sensed between Aida and Antonio/Rosa. Aida largely avoids eating with the family and isn't around very much.

After breakfast Shina was playing with blocks. Craig said "You're feeling better!" "Better!" she parroted in English! So cute.

Antonio hired an electrician (Jose Manuel) to put switches and outlets in the upstairs construction. Things are really coming along.

For lunch, we had soup, mote, salad, pulled pork, and potatoes.

We went outside to visit with the piglet after lunch. He gets very excited when you approach, and if you start to pet him, he falls over onto his side, closes his eyes, and grunts approvingly. He's such a friendly little guy!

Sisa helped Rosa with the laundry, while the other two kids got dirty playing in the fertile soil just feet away from the laundry sink.

Sisa helped to start the fire in the outdoor kitchen, and Rosa and Abuelita made some chicken cracklins and tostado on the fire. Uncle Juan Pedro was there as well. We all enjoyed standing around the fire and sampling what had been cooked.

The cooking gas supply (which runs the stove in the house) is getting low. The delivery truck has not come in almost 2 weeks! Luckily there is still one partial tank of gas left (the one that was previously attached to our water heater). If the gas truck doesn't come soon, it will run out, and then all cooking will have to be done over the fire!

Craig felt very tired, and hung out with me in the kitchen. We listened to Boston radio station WZLX over the internet, because they were playing a short classic rock playlist in honor of our yoga teacher Emily's late father, who had been involved in the local music scene.

Aida was in a good mood tonight, arriving home from work with fresh chips and picante Doritos. Everyone was happy that it was Friday night; no work for me in the morning and no school for the kids.

For dinner, we had soup, fried fish from the coast, potatoes, tostado, and salad. the fish was so fresh; people drive it up from the coast and sell it to the communities. Yupanqui fell asleep at the table and Craig was almost right there with him! We went to bed on the early side, since we would be getting up early to go to the Otavalo market.

Rosa and Juanita

Rosa and Juanita

Abuelita and Juan Pedro

Abuelita and Juan Pedro

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