Ecuador 1/11/2019 - 2/2/2019 |
Friday, January 25, 2019 - Returning to MorochosI went outside to take a few final photos. From the terrace near our room I could see the ascending. I followed the various stairways and winding passageways to the top deck of the hotel, which afforded a view of the ocean which was not visible from the rest of the property. The sun looked beautiful as it climbed into the sky, and its pastel shades were reflected in the calm seas.When our bags were fully packed, we ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant (omelets, potatoes, coffee, juice). At 7:30, Enrique came to meet us. We had been told we would be going straight to the airport but there was a bit of a mix-up. Enrique had expected to take us to the Charles Darwin Research Station. We explained that we had already visited there with Fabo. He then suggested that we could stop at Los Gemelos. We told him that we had already been there as well. He seemed concerned about finding something for us to do this morning, but we assured him that we preferred to go straight to the airport. We didn't want to tire ourselves out in the hot sun before our day of traveling back to Morochos. We would prefer to kill time at the airport rather than jam in extra activities. Enrique called the taxi driver, and while we waited for him to arrive, he showed us a video that he had taken on giant tortoises mating. The taxi arrived and we embarked on the now quite familiar drive to the ferry dock on the northern part of the island. We got onto a crowded ferry and crossed the channel to Baltra. We waited while Enrique purchased our bus tickets for the airport shuttle. There were several lines, and the woman selling tickets for his line had computer problems. They loaded our bags onto the bus and we weren't sure that he would have the tickets in time for us to board. There would be another bus, but being separated from our luggage would be stressful. Luckily, he got the tickets in time and we took the last 5 seats on the bus. Enrique helped us to check in, and we said goodbye to him and thanked him. We then went through security and entered the terminal. Much had changed about this airport since 2008, and we found plenty to do to kill time before our flight. Mukul and Craig sat in the departure lounge while I took Sisa to do some shopping. We bought some local coffee, and I was delighted to find an Evolution Revolution T-shirt by Iguana Factory. It had a portrait of Charles Darwin wearing a Che Guevara hat. I had first seen this design in 2008 and had fallen in love with it. However, they didn't have XL, so I bought the largest they had (L). It barely fit to begin with, and has shrunken in the interim. It is pretty much unwearable for me now. The Iguana Factory store is no longer around, and we hadn't seen the design at any other stores during this trip. But for some reason, this particular woman at the airport had some overstock, in long and short sleeves, in many different sizes. I chose a long sleeved variant in XXL size to make sure that it was comfy. I was so happy to replace my too-small version! Then we went to the food court and bought each of us an ice cream bar, and I got us some snacks for the flights. I bought a Christmas ornament from Republica del Cacao. They called our flight and we were led outside where we boarded the plane via an external staircase. Sisa was in a middle seat and I was next to her on the aisle. Craig was across the aisle from me, and Mukul was behind me. By the time we took off, it was around lunchtime, and Mukul bought us each a ham and mozzarella sandwich (poor Mukul, they were out of vegetarian sandwiches, so all he could eat were chips). As we approached Guayaquil at 2:20 p.m., the pilot announced that we were going to circle in a holding pattern because the airport was closed until 3:05. This seemed strange to us. We had experienced airport closures due to weather and strikes, but they never had an estimated time of re-opening like this. We wondered what was up. Sure enough, as 3:05 we approached the runway and landed. They announced that the delay had been due to "unscheduled runway maintenance." Definitely a worthy cause for delay, and we were glad that they performed the maintenance before we attempted to land. We stayed on the plane, but Mukul disembarked in Guayaquil to catch his connection to Amsterdam and then on to Delhi. It was sad to say goodbye after our week and a half of traveling together, and it was a very abrupt goodbye as he was disembarking. We had had a wonderful time together and hope to see him again soon! After a short stop, we took off again. The window seat next to Sisa was empty, and she seat-belted her stuffed blue footed booby into that seat. We landed in Quito, collected our luggage, and emerged into the arrival lounge to be greeted by Rosa, Antonio, Shina, and Yupanqui. They gave us each a bottle of water and they gave Sisa some candy. They were so happy to see her that it brought a tear to my eye. We went to the parking lot and met Luis, who would drive us back to Morochos. Sisa was talking non stop on the two hour ride home. She absorbed so much information! We are so proud of her! We were stunned by how many details she remembers! It was a pleasure to travel with our dear goddaughter. It was obvious that Yupanqui had missed Sisa; he stuck close to her and hung on her every word. He didn't seem jealous, and instead thanked us for bringing his sister to the Galapagos. Rosa said that Shina had cried at night when Sisa wasn't there, but she had been buoyed by the fact that we would be taking the family to swim at the hot springs on the weekend. She had apparently been counting down the days. When we got back to the house, there was a drawing on the whiteboard that Shina had made. Rosa explained that Shina had drawn a Galapagos penguin "like Sisa saw", after having seen it in our Facebook posts. Sisa then wrote on the whiteboard (in Spanish): Thank you Achi Mama and Achi Taita for letting me know many animals and I have many experiences in my head. Thank you Achi Mama and Achi Taita, I love you very much.Soon afterwards, Yupanqui also wrote us a note in Spanish Thank you Achi Mama and Achi Taita for taking my sister to the Galapagos. I love you!We met four lovely college students who were spending their winter term abroad in Ecuador. This was their second and final night staying with the family. We had a lovely chat with them at dinner. One of them plays the saxophone, and hasn't been able to practice since they left Minnesota. She was thrilled to be able to play Antonio's alto sax, and played an original composition for us! If the youth of the USA are like these young ladies, we may just have a chance after all! Sisa's Galapagos Adventure Video by Steph and Craig Music "Under the Sea" From the soundtrack of "The Little Mermaid" "Bajo el Mar" from the soundtrack to "La Sirenita" "Bajo el Mar" by Hay Peores |
Sunrise over the Pacific from the Hotel Mainao roof Checking out of Hotel Mainao: Craig, Sisa, and Mukul Sisa recounts her Galapagos adventure for the family on the ride back to Morochos Dinner with four American college students See all photos from this day |
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