Ecuador 11/16/2019 - 12/1/2019

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - Working Remotely, Ashley and Kelly Visit

Tuesday morning: another work day. El Señor Chipikins once again kept me company as I worked in my office.

Antonio had today off, and joined us for a breakfast of potato and egg pancakes, ham, cheese, coffee, and juice. He went out to the garden and returned with a giant onion which he had just harvested. He told us that it had been growing for six months.

When the kids got home from school, we ate lunch: soup, burger, rice, veggies. There were many laughs at the lunch table.

Ashley and Kelly, the daughters of Antonio and Rosa's niece Delia, came over to play with Shina and Sisa. Ashley is 7 and in same class as Shina. Kelly is 3 and is her sister's shadow. The four cousins came into my office to visit the cat, who was lounging on the spare bed.

Ashley remembers Craig and me from previous visits, and gave me a hug immediately. Kelly was only a baby the last time we saw her, so she was a bit unsure at first. But Sisa and Ashley encouraged her to give me a hug, and she did. By the time they left the room, both girls were calling me "Achi Mama" (Godmother), my de facto name here.

When I was done with work, we practiced English vocabulary and pronunciation with Sisa. She has a great attitude for learning and can laugh at herself when she makes mistakes. She was trying to tell us something in English about Aida (who is known by the nickname Margola), and she said "My Margola..." and then broke down into a fit of giggles before correcting herself, "My MOTHER Margola..."

Yupanqui and Antonio helped Rosa to cook dinner. We had tomato soup to start. For the main course, Rosa was trying out a new recipe that she had learned on Youtube. You can really see how much access to technology can change day to day life in a traditional village. This new recipe was for spaghetti with mushroom cream sauce. It was very good. We had pineapple juice to drink.

It turned out the the cardboard house that they had built for Yupanqui's school assignment had been too small. He had to redo it larger. Aida helped him after dinner.

Lunch: Achi Taita, Yupanqui, Aida, Rosa, Shina, Sisa

Lunch: Achi Taita, Yupanqui, Aida, Rosa, Shina, Sisa

Cousins: Shina, Kelly, Sisa (with El Señor Chipikins), and Ashley

Cousins: Shina, Kelly, Sisa (with El Señor Chipikins), and Ashley

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