Ecuador 2/22/2022 - 3/8/2022

Thursday, March 3, 2022 - Working Remotely

We woke up this morning and were unable to log into the internet. Oh no; not again! But then we realized that the router had fallen on the floor and its antennas were no longer pointing out the window. I picked it up and put it back in its spot, and it was fine. Phew! This was good because I had a lot of meetings today.

We went over to the kitchen and had breakfast: potato and egg omelets, bread, bologna, and coffee. The kitten sat on Craig's shoe, begging for some table scraps. It would also reach its little paws up to tap Craig's leg. The kitten and its mother were always hungry, and you could count on them to appear beneath the table at any meal.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to work.

For lunch we had quinoa soup, steak, beans, rice, tomato, and lemonade. Like yesterday, we had a bit of sun this afternoon. Negra the dog and the kitten were basking on the warm concrete of the sunny patio.

Antonio went to Ibarra to buy Sisa a new saxophone case, since the zipper is broken on her current one. She needs to transport her sax back and forth to school for lessons, so she needs a secure case for it.

While Antonio was gone, his band came over to practice for their upcoming Saturday night gig. This is not an unusual occurrence, and we are used to them showing up, setting up the equipment, and practicing. But today the volume was absolutely ear-splitting. It started to sprinkle rain, and the band all crammed inside the little laundry/storage room. I was upstairs working and the sound was deafening, even from up there and with my door closed! I had to postpone a work meeting because it was so loud that there was no way that I could have a conversation with someone over the internet. Craig and I had instant headaches. The windows in our casita were rattling. There was no escape, but we didn't feel that it was our place to ask them to turn it down. This lasted from 3:45 - 6 p.m.

There was no way that the kids could get their homework done with all that racket going on, so once it was quiet again, all three of them worked on homework.

When they were done, we worked on the Ohio Buckeyes puzzle some more. When we had put it away last time, we had left some sections together in the box. We carefully removed them and continued our progress.

Antonio came home with the new sax case. We explained what had transpired with the band; that we fully support their right to practice, but that it's physically impossible for me to work when the volume is so unreasonable. He promised me that they wouldn't practice until after 5 p.m. tomorrow. I appreciated that, as it would not interfere with work again. But even so, we hoped that the rehearsal would be kept to a more moderate volume if Antonio was home.

For dinner, we had soup, hot dogs, rice, peas, and tempura broccoli.

After dinner, I took Dashel for a ride in her little car around the kitchen and outside on the patio. We were impressed that Yupanqui's fix to the wheel had held for the past few days. When it was time to say goodnight, she came over and hugged our legs of her own accord. This was the first time that she spontaneously hugged us. She was warming up just in time for us to leave in a few days; LOL!



Sisa with the kitten

Sisa with the kitten

See all photos from March 3

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