Ecuador 2/22/2022 - 3/8/2022 |
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - Working Remotely, Baby EliThe family's duck was roaming around the property this morning. It is another new addition since our last visit. It has very dark feathers that have a green sheen when in the sunlight.For breakfast today, we had broccoli omelets, bread, bologna, patacones, and coffee. While we ate, Antonio talked about the community's approach to Covid-19. The community isolated itself from other communities, but people didn't wear masks or use hand gel. They boiled eucalyptus and other herbs to keep their respiratory systems strong and healthy. They grew what produce they could and traded with others within the community. And as a result, they have had no reported cases of Covid in Morochos. For lunch, we had soup, steak, rice, tomatoes, and llapingachos. We finally saw the sun this afternoon after days of rain. Craig and I made it a point to go outside and soak up some vitamin D. The pets were doing the same. I sat on the bench and Negra rested her head on my leg. Her black fur was hot in the sunshine. Aida's cousin Delia came over with her 7-week-old baby girl Eli. Aida held the baby and Adeliz Dashel got extremely jealous and fussy. Later, when Delia was holding the baby, Dashel wouldn't even look at them. Toddlers are funny. Antonio, Dashel, and Sisa went to Cotacachi for Sisa's doctor appointment. She has been having stomach issues. The doctor gave Sisa some medicine to cure a parasitic or bacterial infection. The kids had been having such fun doing the jigsaw puzzle that we brought that they dug out a different jigsaw puzzle that tourists had given them years ago...the Ohio State Buckeyes football team. It had 500 pieces. A mouse had apparently gotten into the box at some point in time, because it had eaten some of the puzzle pieces, and there were also mouse droppings in the box. We cleaned everything up as best we could, and proceeded to build the puzzle until it was time to eat dinner. Then we ensured that the kids disinfected the table and their hands after handling that puzzle. We had tomato soup with popcorn, chicken, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, fried plantains, and Coca Cola. After dinner, we talked about Sisa's upcoming confirmation. Although it is not required to have her baptismal godparents (us) as her confirmation godparents, she didn't want someone else to step in. She wants us to be there. Unfortunately, the confirmation takes place in July. We already have plans for July to go to Guatemala for Vanesa's wedding. It is a shame that the events for each of our compadres conflicted with one another. Antonio suggested that maybe the confirmation could be delayed by a month or two. We agreed that if that could be arranged, we would make it a point to attend. We certainly want to be there for Sisa if humanly possible. |
Craig holding a kitten in the sun Delia and baby Eli See all photos from March 2 |
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