Ecuador 5/22/2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - Working Remotely

I woke up at 7 o'clock and worked in the casita until 9, at which point I went up to Sisa's room for a meeting. I came downstairs to have breakfast with the family. Shina didn't have school today, so she as well as Aida and the two younger kids ate with us. We had scrambled eggs with veggies, yogurt, and coffee. The family always has fresh rolls available with breakfast, and we always make ourselves a nice ham and cheese sandwich to go along with our meal.

Yupanki came home from school at around lunchtime. I had meetings, so I ate lunch upstairs in Sisa's room (soup, chicken, rice, and mashed potatoes). It rained a bit, which was much needed. Everything was very dry and dusty.

Sisa came home from school at 3 o'clock, and then took a nap. After I was done with work, we sat with Shina while she did her homework. Craig and I each had a cup of coffee. It is always a much needed pick-me-up at this time of day, especially since we have been waking up early so that I can work.

When Sisa awoke, she did her English homework (for high school, not for her Saturday intensive English classes). Her assignment was to write and memorize a speech about an interest. She wrote a very compelling speech about her cat (whom she refers to as her daughter). It was a long speech which touched on facts about cats as well as aspects of pet ownership. She just kept writing and writing. We thought that if we had to write a speech in our non-native language, we would have made it much shorter and easier to memorize. But Sisa was undaunted and gave 100% of her effort. After writing the speech, she practiced it several times without looking at notes. We were quite impressed! She then took a couple of photos of the cat and went up to the community center to print them out. She wrote out the speech neatly on a piece of construction paper and glued on the printed out cat photos.

Then it was time for dinner. We had soup and spaghetti with meat sauce and cheese.

We came back to the casita shortly after 9 p.m.

Achi Taita with Kuri at breakfast

Achi Taita with Kuri at breakfast

Sisa writing out her speech

Sisa writing out her speech

Photo Gallery May 22

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