Guatemala 7/1/2022 - 7/17/2022 |
Tuesday, 7/12/2022 - Dinner At Isabela's RestaurantToday was the start of our Program Increment Planning at work, an intense 3 days of meetings. My first meeting started at 7 a.m.I wasn't feeling great, and had had a cough overnight, so I decided to take a Covid test. Paulilna took Ivan to school, and I had wanted to go too, but at that time I was still waiting on the result of my test. It came back negative, so I assumed that I had contracted a little cold. We had Bimbo brand pre-toasted bread with peanut butter and jelly for breakfast. We explained to Humberto why we always find the brand-name "Bimbo" to be funny. I had a meeting during lunch time, so I ate in our room. We had steak on the grill, guacamole, veggies, tortillas, and pineapple juice. After work, Craig and I went on a mission to get money and tampons. Went to Dispensa Familiar owned by Walmart which is a warehouse-style grocery store, and had no luck. We stopped at several pharmacies and also had no luck. There had been a pharmacy on Santander which carried them on a previous visit, but it was no longer there. We hit up the ATM and then went back to the house. When we told Humberto, he said that there are certain feminine products which are just not available in Panajachel. This seemed weird to me as Pana is a mecca for tourists, especially those who swim in the lake. We were very hot after our excursion, and we rested in the coolness of our room for a while. Ivan came into our room to play on his phone. Every time we visit, we like to go to Paulina's sister Isabela's restaurant for dinner. She makes amazing food, and it is quite a bargain also. We usually go on her weekly day off, as our party usually takes up the entirety of the restaurant. Today was her day off, and she called in her daughters Heidi and Soleyba to help cook for us. At 7 p.m., we headed over to the restaurant with Humberto, Paulina, Ivan, Aracely, Eddy, Juan Carlos, Yolanda, and Fatima. Luis, Paola, Yasmin, Yoselin, and even Vanesa and Danny (newly back from their honeymoon) met us there. Vanesa showed us lovely honeymoon photos from Semuc Champey. It looked like she and Danny had a blast, though they were both absolutely exhausted after a long bus ride back to Panajachel. The adults got tequila shots. I had a strawberry milkshake, and Craig had a Gallo beer. Craig and I each got a plate of chicken tacos and fries. The kids got multiple plates each - tacos, burgers, fries...they have seemingly bottomless stomachs. They also had milkshakes and sodas. Quetzalteca aguardiente liquor was flowing with Humberto, Juan Carlos, and Yolanda. Everything was delicious. When everyone was finally done, it took Isabela and her daughters an hour to figure out the bill. For approximately $250, we fed 16 people to bursting, including alcoholic drinks. Craig and I were very tired. The last round of drinks took a while to get through. Yasmin and Aracely noticed how tired we were and walked back with us while the others took the van shortly afterwards. We got to bed at 11:30. |
Isabela cooking in her restaurant Vanesa, Danny, Luis, Yasmin, Paola, Yoselin, Aracely Eddy, Ivan, Paulina, Fatima, Yolanda, Juan Carlos See all photos from this day |
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