Ecuador 1/11/2019 - 2/2/2019

Friday, January 18, 2019 - An afternoon at Lago Cuicocha

We had my favorite breakfast today: crepes filled with homemade jam, served with coffee, juice, and yogurt. Yum!

After breakfast, Mukul and Craig sat in the sun with Cachupin at their feet, shucking beans. Today was a beautiful sunny day, the best weather we have had since we arrived a week ago.

The kids came home from school, excited as it was now the weekend for them. For lunch, we had cream of tomato soup, beans, tempura veggies, rice, and mashed potatoes.

We took full advantage of the lovely afternoon by going to Lake Cuicocha. Cuicocha is a crater lake which was formed by a volcanic eruption over 3000 years ago. Its name translates to "Guinea Pig Lake." The lake contains two small islands, one of which is said to resemble a guinea pig. That island is said to be the namesake of the lake, but in actuality the name is a Spanish corruption of the original name, "Kuychikucha" or "rainbow lake." The lake is sacred to the Kichwa people.

We took a camioneta (pickup truck) to the nearby lake. At first we took a walk on the Ruta Sagrada (Sacred Route), along a trail which rises and falls with the landscape.

We first encountered a solar calendar. It consisted of short, rounded stone pillars arranged on a stone platform. The tallest pillar is in the center, and 12 shorter ones are arranged around the perimeter of the circle.

Then we encountered a lunar calendar. It was the same as the solar calendar except that there were 13 shorter pillars instead of 12, and they were arranged along one quadrant of the circle in two rows.

A place of offerings overlooked a gorgeous panorama of the lake. There was a large stone vessel into which offerings can be placed. The kids immediately climbed inside to sit. They then scrambled down the hillside to a small promontory.

We also saw a place of ritual bathing. The kids hid behind this stone structure and peeked around the corner while I was taking photos. Purification rituals are held here each year to celebrate the summer solstice.

Ruta Sagrada

There were many beautiful plants along the walk. We also saw a small lizard who posed for a photo and then scurried away.

Next we took a tourist boat ride on the lake, circumnavigating the islands. Mukul and the family were quite chilly, especially on the far side of the islands, when the chilly wind picks up, and you are sprayed with cold lake water. Craig lent Rosa his jacket; the hike had warmed him up and she needed it more than he did.

After the scenic boat ride, we warmed up with a cup of steaming hot canelazo, a local drink make with cinnamon and sugar. A shot of alcohol for the grown-ups made it especially warming!

We took the camioneta back home, arriving around 5:30 after a lovely outing!

For dinner, we had soup, juice, llapingachos, rice, beets, and beef.
Craig, Mukul, and Steph at Lago Cuicocha

Craig, Mukul, and Steph at Lago Cuicocha

At the place of offerings (Photo courtesy of Mukul)

At the place of offerings (Photo courtesy of Mukul)



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