Ecuador 11/16/2019 - 12/1/2019

Thursday, November 28, 2019 - A Thanksgiving Solo Trip to Cotacachi, Sisa's English Class

Today was Thanksgiving; no need to get up early for work. Rosa and the kids still left bright and early for school.

For breakfast Aida made us had fried eggs, fries, hot dog pieces, bread, bologna, cheese, coffee, and juice.

After breakfast, Craig and I decided to go to Cotacachi to do some errands. We wanted to buy some of the delicious organic coffee that comes from the Intag region of the country. Sometimes we have bought it directly in Intag while visiting the hot springs there. But on this trip, Antonio was working so much that we didn't have a chance to go there with the family. We also needed to use an ATM.

If we recall correctly, this is the first time in our 9 years of coming to Morochos that we have been on a solo mission. Not that it was difficult at all: Aida hailed a camioneta for us on the street in front of the house. The driver took us to Plaza de San Francisco and waited while we went to the bank and stopped at Cafe Rio Intag to buy a bunch of bags of our favorite coffee beans to bring home. We need to have enough to last until our next trip down here!

The only other customer in the cafe was an expat American woman. We wished her a happy Thanksgiving, and she thanked us, saying that it completely slipped her mind. Living down here is so different. There are restaurants which offer traditional turkey dinners for expats, but I'm sure that it is easy to forget strictly American holidays. We chatted with her for a few minutes and she wished us a happy Thanksgiving as well.

In less than 10 minutes, we were done with our two errands. We returned to our waiting camioneta, and the driver brought us straight back to Morochos. The whole excursion took about half an hour and cost $8 for round-trip transportation. Aida couldn't believe we were home so soon. The weather was great while we were out, but turned cloudy when we returned to the house.

Since I didn't have to work today, Craig and I spent most of the rest of the day editing our recent Australia trip for our web site.

Rosa and the kids came home from school, and we had lunch: soup, hamburger, lentils, salad, rice, and Craig's favorite mora (blackberry) juice.

Rosa took Sisa to Ibarra for English classes. When they were done, they took the bus back to Quiroga, and Antonio picked them up there on the moto.

Sisa did homework at the kitchen table while El Señor Chipikins slept on her backpack.

Dinner was veggie soup, steak, melloco in creamy cheese sauce, fried plantain, rice and CocaCola. We also finished off the giant bottle of Lao Gan Ma Chinese pepper sauce that we had brought. We had thought that it would last the full two weeks, but everyone loved it and it fell two days shy. Next time we'll bring two jars!
Cafe Rio Intag

Cafe Rio Intag

Sisa, Shina, and El Señor Chipikins

Sisa, Shina, and El Señor Chipikins

See all photos from November 28

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