Ecuador 10/10/2022 |
Monday, October 10, 2022 - Working Remotely, Ecuadorian Independence DayToday was Ecuadorian Independence Day, so the kids had the day off from school. I, however, had to work. I got up at 7:20 a.m. to go to work at 8 in the girls' room (they now sleep on the second floor of the main house).Breakfast was yogurt, coffee, juice, a potato pancake, bread, and bologna. I had meetings so I needed to eat alone while I worked. Dashel came into the room occasionally to say hello. Negra the dog also came in and put her paws up on my lap. Craig, meanwhile, ate breakfast with the family and then spent time in the casita. He saw three sizes of colibri (hummingbird) eating from various flowers in the yard. The mama kitty even let him pet her. Dashel got dressed in her "meow meow" Halloween cat outfit that we had brought for her. Baby Kuri laid outside in the sun. Lunch was soup and a huge plate of habas (fava beans), corn on the cob, rice, pork, cucumbers, grapes, uvilla, and potatoes, with canteloupe juice to drink. After work, we gathered in one of the guest rooms to chat. Dashel was being really cute, and put her foot to her ear and pretended it was a phone. Sisa went with Antonio to Cotacachi to do some shopping. Craig and I played concentration with Yupanki and Shina. Adelis Dashel watched. The concentration cards were all photos of the family, which we had given to them on our previous trip. When Adelis saw photos of herself as a baby, she assumed that they were Kuri. We had to convince her that they were actually her. Sisa and Antonio arrived home. I showed Dashel a photo of our cats, and told her that their names are Inca and Maya. Sisa said "meow meow" (Dashel's words for cats) and Dashel corrected her: "No, Maya." That kid is a riot! She seems to be quite intelligent. Dinner was uvilla juice, asparagus soup, and spaghetti with meat sauce. We went to our casita at 8:30, because the kids have to get to bed. They need to wake up at 5 a.m. tomorrow for school, so we wanted to make sure that they had ample time to wind down. Back in our casita, I typed up notes from the day and we surfed the web. |
Cat Shina, Achi Taita, and Yupanki Sisa and Adelis Dashel Playing concentration See all photos from October 10 |
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